Monday, March 5, 2012

Main Concept 3: Interpretation

We have spent a lot of time in this course discussing others' interpretations of texts.  Every time a director turns a book into a movie, he is interpreting it.  For example, we watched several different versions of Hamlet in class.  Although each movie followed the same basic plot line, little bits here and there were changed.  Shakespeare himself changed the original Hamlet, altering names and adding in concepts.  How each author or director chooses to interpret a text changes the message.  Additionally, during class discussions, each individual has his or her own interpretation of the text.  The goal of the course was to mesh all of the different interpretations of the texts into one conclusion.


  1. This was an accurat depiction of what we're doing in class. I already mentioned stuff about interperetation/meaning/and arguments in another post, so I'll bring up something else here. Given that you focused on interperetation in this post, I think perhaps you should have included the critical lenses and time periods we learned about, which greatly affect how we view the work as a whole. Other than that, very nice synopsis.

  2. As before, and what Maya says, again, above, elaboration would be good. Nice, though. That's a good way of mentioning Hamlet and what the majority of our class time has been devoted to.
