Monday, March 5, 2012

Main Concept 2: Arguments

Learning about the structure of an argument has been a large part of this course.  There are two sides of this concept.  First, there are arguments that other authors write.  We had to learn to dissect an argument, finding the evidence and understanding what exactly the writer is trying to say.  Then, come arguments that we must write.  Our arguments must be clear and concise, without any excess words.  Plain style arguments are key on the AP, because there is so little time to construct an essay.


  1. This entry is really grasping something we have focused on in class. I'm a little confused as to your organizational process. How did you seperate argument in this entry from meaning and interperetation in your other entries? Isn't the author's argument the meaning of the text, which we interperet?

  2. All of this is true. To discuss further, you could fit advice and techniques about understanding authors' messages here, or could describe, in greater detail, AP formats.
