Sunday, December 4, 2011

2009, Form B. Many works of literature deal with political or social issues. Choose a novel or play that focuses on a political oe social issue. Then write an essay in which you analyze how the author uses literary elements to explore this issue and explazin how the issue contributes to the meaning of the as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot.

                One of the biggest issues in the American political arena is the issue of social responsibility.  In his novel The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck explores the question of how to deal with the country’s less fortunate through a focus on the Joad family and their struggle during the Great Depression.  Steinbeck uses imagery and diction to create theme.  Using this theme, Steinbeck makes the readers think about what they have that others might not.

                Steinbeck is incredibly skillful and concise in his writing, making it obvious that the book is about poverty in America.  His powerful diction makes it clear to the reader just how dire a situation Tom Joad and his family are in.  Strong word choice shows us that not just the Joads, but many of the people they meet as they travel and attempt to settle in California, are simply unable to survive.  As if it was not clear enough, Steinbeck then brings in imagery to further give the book an ominous feeling, a feeling that says all is not well.  Steinbeck describes the land of the Dust Bowl states with such vivid detail that one can picture the barren, dry land.  That land, fruitless and dead, relates directly to the Joads’ situation.  Imagery and diction combine to explain the situation and get the reader thinking about the poor.

                Once the reader has recognized that there is a poverty problem in America, Steinbeck must suggest how to fix it.  There are always two choices: do more or do less.  Steinbeck is very clear that we must vastly increase our support for the poverty stricken.  The Joads are repeatedly taken advantage of and exploited by giant, unregulated farms.  Workers are not protected in any way, and doing even less to regulate the exploiters logically would not help.  Therefore, Steinbeck is saying that we must do more.

                Theme, an important literary element, is created by technique.  In The Grapes of Wrath, imagery and diction cooperate to create a theme centering on poverty.  Steinbeck makes important use of that theme to call America to action.  He shows us what is wrong with the world, and begs us to do something about it.

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