Sunday, November 20, 2011

Since the last Response to Course Material we have talked a lot about Death of a Salesman.  I found it really interesting to watch the movie as a first close reading and then read the play.  There are things that I noticed viewing the movie that I may not have if I had just read the story.  Movies help to emphasize certain aspects of a play that I wouldn't have placed such importance on. For example, in the movie, I noticed that the walls of Willy's house were not really walls.  The family obeyed them as if they were strict, conventional walls, except during Willy's flashbacks.  Then they passed through the "walls" freely.  This is mentioned briefly in the stage directions, but I'm not sure I would have noticed had I not seen the film. Of course, the movie is just one director's interpretation, but I think it is helpful to gather as many different views on a story as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, it was interesting to watch the movie as a first close read. It's also interesting that what you got out of it was the physical representation of the stage directions that would be otherwise hard to visualize. It was also nice to get another person's interpretation of Death of a Salesman. It sort of gave us something to work with when we started reading the play on our own.
